Introducing American-Canadian Chloe Jobin, a gifted singer-songwriter who also goes by the moniker "Blue Girl." At 24 years old, Chloe has proven herself as a passionate artist, accomplished musician, and adept producer, infusing the songs she creates through emotional sincerity and charming candor. Her musical palette effortlessly weaves alternative rock, indie-pop, and slow-core sounds together, conveying an authentic, openhearted desire to empathize with listeners through the unique tapestry of life’s experiences.

Chloe's infatuation with music began in her early childhood, as she discovered a love for singing, songwriting, playing instruments, and performing as she was growing up. By the time she reached her teen years, she had begun experimenting with producing her music, which inspired her pursuit as a young adult to devote her life to honing her craft.

Since then, Chloe has evolved into a self-managed independent musician, immersing herself in the vibrant creative community of Dallas while steadily pushing herself to expand individually and artistically. She spends most of her time working on music in her South Dallas home studio and performing regularly throughout Texas with her three bandmates, consisting of Clayton Gaskamp (bassist), Kason Siney (drummer), and Willem Stewart (guitarist).

Chloe's unwavering work ethic and commitment to her music have earned her a reputation as a genuine and undeniably original artist and musician. Whether writing music or gracing the stage with her presence, she consistently blazes her own trail with an infectious can-do spirit. Chloe brings a distinctive and refreshing perspective to every facet of her creative journey and continues to push the boundaries of personal and social expectations.